What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency created by an unknown person(s) named Satoshi Nakamoto. No central authority or bank controls it. Instead, it uses peer-to-peer technology called blockchain in which transactions are managed by a collective network of miners.
Since nobody controls Bitcoin, everyone can take part. The technology is open-sourced and public. Bitcoin was created with the intent to become a better substitute to the current fiat monetary system. Read the original Bitcoin Whitepaper.
What is Bitcoin? (WeUseCoins)
Decentralized: The removal of a centralized authority.
Blockchain: The technology underlying Bitcoin, which acts as a public ledger using digital signatures and cryptography to store unalterable transaction records.
Miners: Utilize computer power to solve complex mathematical problems to verify and log each transaction in the block, hence the word blockchain. . In turn, they are rewarded in Bitcoin as incentive to continue to mine and uphold the network..
Fiat currency: Legal tender issued and controlled by a government body, but is not backed by a physical commodity.